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Friday, October 11, 2024

New Book Release Incoming!

It's been several years since I've had a book release! I'm excited to announce my latest Shifter Academy book is releasing on Tuesday, November 5th!

Only Human continues the adventures of vampire Leif Villers three years after the events of the Reclaim Trilogy. This book is listed as Book 2 in the Shifting Paths subseries, following up Mirāju.

Did you know Leif's overall story arc is told over the span of 11 books? Only Human can certainly be read as a standalone, but if you want the full experience, here's my suggested reading guide:
  1. The Frost Boarding House Trilogy (written by Joanna Reeder)
  2. Outcast
  3. The Siren Prophecy Trilogy (cowritten with Shifter Academy authors)
  4. The Reclaim Trilogy (cowritten with Joanna Reeder)
  5. Only Human

And here's the cover for Only Human, designed by Angel Leya!

Monday, October 11, 2021

Oh yeah! I have a blog!

Happy October, all!

Remember all those times I said I'd try to be better at updating my blog? Well, in those efforts I've completely failed. But that's okay. While not much has happened on my blog space, plenty has been going on in life. I'm sure the same can be said for you!

Update on my writing:

I'm not entirely sure how many people check to see what I'm working on these days. Next month will mark the year anniversary of the conclusion of the Reclaim trilogy I co-wrote with fellow writer Joanna Reeder. Strangely enough, Reflect, Relinquish, and Reclaim are still my most recently published books. If you haven't checked out the Shifter Academy series the Reclaim trilogy is a part of, I highly recommend it. There are 20 books to feast upon, and several of them were written by me!

For the time being, I've stepped away from writing in the Shifter Academy series. You might be wondering what I've been working on since last November (maybe you haven't, though...). Well, I'm pleased to say that I've been hard at work with my revisions of my 5-book epic fantasy series, The Shadow Wielder. To let you know where I'm at, Book 1 is almost completed with its beta stage. It's nearly ready for release! It's just over 127,000 words long, which roughly translates to about 508 pages. I've spent a lot of time revising and reworking Book 1, and the feedback I've received thus far has been overwhelming positive!

I'm currently in a major revision phase with Book 2. After completing the first draft of Book 5, I knew without a doubt which of the 5 total books was the weak-link. The first draft of Book 2 came in at a measly 60,000 words (approximately 240 pages), which is about half as long as Book 1. What I've discovered during the past several months is that I was flat-out lazy when I wrote the first draft of Book 2. It's quite possible it was a NaNoWriMo project, as the writing is rushed and non-descriptive. I've encountered several continuity errors, some larger than others. In most cases, they weren't too difficult to resolve. But to be honest, some were so big I had to rewrite entire chapters. Today, I'm starting into revising the second half of the book. As far as wordcount goes here at the halfway mark, Book 2 is now sitting at just about 97,000 words! That's 37,000 more words I've added with this second draft. Based on my predictions, the second half of my editing should add another 30,000 words to the book, which puts it almost exactly on par with Book 1's length! I've set a goal to complete the second draft of Book 2 by the end of the year, and I hope I can achieve it!

It's been a long time since anybody's asked me when my next book is set to release, which might be a good thing for me right now. I don't have an answer for that. Even though Shadow Wielder Book 1 is nearly ready for release, I've been toying with the idea of releasing all 5 books as one volume. Even if I decide to release them as separate books, I think I'll still wait to release Book 1 after I feel confident that all five books are ready for release. At the rate I've been going, that will put release of the series sometime in 2023 (probably Q2). That being said, if you're really wanting to read Book 1, I'd be open to distributing beta copies. Just contact me via my website and let me know!

Upcoming Event!

Not too long ago, a representative from the Weber County Library invited me and Joanna Reeder to participate in the Utah Humanities Book Festival! We'll be presenting about the collaborative writing process, as well as doing a Q&A session! After the presentation, we'll be doing a book signing, too! If you'd like to participate, here are the details:

When: October 21st, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Where: Weber County Library, Main Branch (2464 Jefferson Ave., Ogden, UT 84401-2404)

For those of you who can't physically attend, this will also be a Facebook Live event! Click here for the linkity link!

I hope you can find the time to check it out! It'll be a lot of fun!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Time for an update!

I swear, time goes faster the older I get. March is here, leaving January and February behind like a pair of old, worn out sneakers.

A lot has happened over the past few months. I released The 9 Tails of Ren Suzuki the first week of January, and the feedback I've received on it has been overwhelmingly great. I have amazing alpha and beta readers who helped me make sure it was ready to go. One of the greatest things to come from writing that fun book was that it opened the doors for a full-fledged novel to be written based around Ren Suzuki. During December and January, I took on that task, and now I've got another novel written and ready to release! While I haven't officially announced it, I'll spill the title here. It's called Mirāju, and it takes the funny character Ren Suzuki into a very serious and dangerous journey. It was also my first attempt at writing a mystery novel, which was a total blast. Mirāju will release on May 5th! If you want to take the liberty to look it up on Amazon... it's already there, sitting pretty.

If you're reading this, you might be curious as to what I've been working on since completing the final draft of Mirāju. It's actually a collaborative trilogy I'm working on with Joanna Reeder, and the good news is we've already finished the first book! We're in the middle of book 2 now, and things are going just swimmingly. While I'm not at liberty to reveal too much about this trilogy, I'm excited to let you know that the first book will release in September, while books 2 and 3 will release in October and November, respectively.

If you total that all up, that's five books being published this year with my name on them! It's the most I've ever released in one year, and I hope fans will enjoy the hard work I've put into these creations!

I am also excited to return to my Shadow Wielder series, as it has been nearly 2 years since I've been able to work in that universe. If all goes as planned, all 5 books in the Shadow Wielder series should release in 2021!

I hope this update wets the whistle a little bit and lets you know what I've been up to for the past few months. :) Pick up a good book (one of mine, preferably) and get lost in amazing stories that will make your mind think!


Monday, September 16, 2019

Bring Me That Horizon

I've done it. After months of deliberation on whether or not I should sunset my social media outlets, I have done so. As of 9/14, my presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram has been removed. I have various reasons for this move, both personally and professionally. To avoid offending anybody, I will not delve into any of these reasons at this time.

This move will give me more time do focus on more worthwhile things. As a novelist, I will be able to spend more time writing and improving my craft, as well as reading. As a musician, I will be able to focus more on memorizing songs on the piano and guitar. I'll be able to pay more attention to my family.

There may be a day in the future when I return to social media. For the foreseeable future, that will not happen.

For those wanting to get in touch with me, utilizing my website communication tools will be your best option. Head on over to http://www.authorjessebooth.com/

For those who do know me, our standard methods of communication are there.

Take luck, all.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

It's Been Such A Long Time

Wow. I feel like it's been forever since I wrote a blog post. I'm not sure how many people actually read this, but if you've been waiting for me to post something... you've been waiting for a while.

Since my last post, I've become a USA Today Bestselling Author. So yay for that! Also, I've been hard at work on writing! The Siren Prophecy trilogy released, starting with Shifted in January, then Scorched in February, and Summoned at the beginning of April. There are five of us Shifter Academy authors, and together we collaborated on all three books. :) They've been getting excellent reviews, so if you haven't taken the time to check them out yet... check them out!

I also have a book releasing on May 14th, which also takes place in the Shifter Academy series. It's the first standalone novel, and can be read and enjoyed without reading any of the other books (however, the tie-ins are there, and you'll be glad you read the other books first!) It's available for preorder both in paperback and on Kindle.

Lastly, I've embarked on a few other projects - two of which reside in the Shifter Academy series. I'm excited to share more info for you all, so stay tuned to my Facebook page! It's the place I jump to first when posting about my projects!

Until next time!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Shifting Winds release!

Hi friends! Yesterday marked the release of a novella I wrote back in August! It is a prequel to a trilogy that will begin to release in January 2019, and it is the first official story in the Shifter Academy series! Check it out!

The good news is... the ebook version is absolutely FREE! If you'd like to snag a copy, here's a link for you!

If you prefer a printed copy, that is available too! Order a copy on Amazon!

Here's the blurb:

For fifty years, The Island has been a haven for shifters wanting to learn to better control their abilities, safe from the threat of hunters and vampires.
But Oberon Rex, one of the last gryphon shifters, worries it's not safe enough. Despite his wife's misgivings, he spends his evenings hunting down vampires in the name of protecting the school and the future of all shifters.
That all comes to an end when he finds out his wife is pregnant.
But leaving the fight doesn't ensure that the fight leaves him. When word comes of increased vampire activity in the nearby city, Oberon feels it's his job to investigate. His wife doesn't agree.
Will Oberon honor his promise to his wife to spend his nights safe at home, or will he do what it takes to protect the school one more time?

As always, I appreciate any and all support! If you decide to read Shifting Winds, I'll forever be thankful to you!

That's it for now. Signing off and writing the good write!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Ghostly Christmas Mistake

Merry Christmas, all! Here's a story I wrote based on the following prompt:

Scrooge was not the first person the ghosts visited that night...

A Ghostly Christmas Mistake
By Jesse Booth
© December 2017

Torchlight flickered about, sending shadows rippling around the wooden walls like black ocean waves. The chilly air of night blew in from holes from rotting wood, as well as the broken windows and the door-less entryway, snuffing out any heat that could have lived within the small abandoned cabin. But there was nothing alive within the cold confines of this forsaken home.
However, the room looked very much alive.
In the center of it sat an enormous wooden table full of fresh fruits and vegetables framing a turkey the size of a cow, cooked to golden perfection. There were rolls and crescents, glistening with melting butter, followed by cakes and pies accenting the far end of the table — enough food to feed multiple large families.
Only one person sat at this table, holding a cone-shaped torch high above his head, which happened to be carrying a crown-wreath of holly and ivy.
He was enormous — a giant compared to any mortal man. His rosy cheeks were raised up joyfully, causing his big lips to smile as his glistening eyes observed the feast before him.
He let out a deep, loud laugh that violently rattled the foundations of the deteriorating home.
“Could you keep it down, Present?” It was a hushed voice, like a whisper on the wind. The quiet question came from the other side of the table. Its owner flickered his own light, his face encompassed in a flame that caused his wax body to sweat. Somehow, he never got smaller, and his drips never pooled below him.
“Past, you need to enjoy yourself from time to time,” the giant said, selecting a vine of luscious purple grapes from the table. Plucking one carefully, he dropped the bulging, juicy fruit into his mouth. “You know, live in the present a bit. You’re always spending so much time thinking about what has happened.”
They were ghosts, of course. Ghosts who were stuck in the mortal world to find men and women who had lost their way through life and guide them to become better human beings.
“I’ll have you know that the past is —”
“Very important,” the Ghost of Christmas Present said with another booming laugh. “Yes, yes. My man, you have said as much incessantly for… how many years has it been?”
They had lost count.
“That… isn’t important, unlike the past,” the Ghost of Christmas Past said with whispered exasperation. “Regardless, it is once again Christmas Eve, and we have time to visit one person before we set out to haunt Ebenezer Scrooge.”
The Ghost of Christmas Present ripped off the thick, golden turkey leg and took a gluttonous bite, leaving an oily film on his red beard.
Through a mouthful of the meat, he said, “Can’t we enjoy our Christmas Eve before we go and do our haunting?” Swallowing down the enormous bite, he sat the leg down on the white plate before him and reached for a red napkin. After wiping his fingers, he dabbed at his mouth, missing the residue on his beard.
“Present, if I have to sit here and watch you pretend to satisfy your eternally unending appetite, I might just wink out and pass on into the next life.”
The Ghost of Christmas Present took a long draught from his wine-filled silver goblet that shimmered from his torchlight.
“Begone then, Past,” he said, resting the goblet on the table and shooing the candle-man with his hand. “Let me at least enjoy the present.”
“With the likes of him?” the Ghost of Christmas Past said with a hushed snort, pointing himself towards the corner of the room. There, standing alone in the dark, dark corner was a figure draped in black robes. A boney, lifeless hand stuck out of one of the sleeves, pointing at Past. It slowly raised up to where the figure’s neck should be then rapidly moved horizontally with a cutting motion.
“One of these days,” Past started, “We’re going to get you to speak, Future.”
The black hood slowly swayed back and forth in disagreement.
“I know just the one to visit,” said Past, shrugging off the unseen glare he knew he was getting from the Ghost of Christmas Future.
“Who?” Present said, munching on a roll.
“A young widow,” came Past’s reply. “She lost her husband a month ago, just three months after being married. A horse-riding accident of sorts — terrible, really. But since the funeral, she has turned cold to everybody. Her temper is easily tickled. Nobody wants to be around her because they are afraid of her.”
Picking up the turkey leg from his plate, Present pointed it at Past. “Seems to me she doesn’t need ghosts to help her — she needs a new man!” His booming laughter shook the cabin once more.
Past’s flame flickered with annoyance.
Present needlessly squinted, dropping the turkey on the plate and brought his hand up to his eyes. “For such a small flame, you put off quite a glare, Past!”
Slapping his hand down on his knee, he gave another hearty laugh.
“Get it, Future?” he said, turning his enormous body towards the corner. “Glare? Ha, ha!”
Future just shook his black, hooded head back and forth slowly.
“The widow…” Past said again.
“Fine,” Present sighed. “But I’m taking the feast with us.”
Standing up, Present snapped his fingers and the table folded in half, slamming loudly but keeping all of the food within. It shrunk down until it was as small and thin as a napkin. It floated up to his outstretched hand and he slid it into the pocket of his fur-lined green robe.
“Remember, I have to be in Scrooge’s bedroom at one o’clock on the chime,” Past said. “It’s about to turn nine o’clock now, so we should each get an hour to guide her.”
“What’s the widow’s name, Past?” Present asked, finding a piece of bread in his beard and slipping it into his mouth.
“Daphne Hastings.”
Wiping the rest of the crumbs out of his beard, Present said, “How unfortunate — a pleasant name for an unpleasant person.”
“We’ll guide her back to pleasantness again, right Future?” said Past, looking back with his flaming head.
Future shrugged his shoulders lazily, hovering behind them.
“Of course we will,” Past said, answering his own question as he turned back around.
“That’s the spirit, Spirit!” Present said, earning himself another glare. Changing to a more serious tone, Present said, “Listen, Past, I’m on the hunt to find a pun that will straight up put you out…”
Silence filled the cold, quiet cabin.
“Enough, Present,” Past said with annoyance. “I’m about to perform, so if you’ll excuse me…”
Past suddenly spun around, going faster and faster, ending with one last flicker. And then he was gone.
“Light ‘em up, Past,” Present mumbled with a smile.


Past’s light filled the dark room right as the clock struck nine. He glanced around, hearing heavy breathing coming from the quilt-covered bed.
“Such a nice home,” he said, seeing the pink wallpaper that covered the wooden walls. There was a wooden dresser nearby, and in front of the bed was an open box full of… small humanlike models? Dolls?
His fiery face furrowed. “What an odd thing for a widow to keep.”
Daphne Hastings stirred at the sound of his breezy voice.
“That’s right, Daphne,” he said. “Time to wake up. Daphne… Daphne…”
The sleeper bolted upright, tired eyes opening wider than a door.
She was a little red-headed girl — she couldn’t be more than four years old. She scrunched her blanket up close to her with a fearful squeak.
Past cleared his throat.
“I’m… assuming your name is not Daphne,” he said with a nervous chuckle.
“It is,” she said quickly. “And who are you?”
“Me?” he asked, as if it was the most absurd question he could have been asked. “That’s… not important right now. Are you Daphne Hastings?”
The little girl shook her head ever so slightly. “My name is Daphne Hastine.”
“Hmm, well isn’t that odd?” Past gave another nervous chuckle. “I sure hope you have not been married recently.”
Little Daphne gave him a curious look. “Married? Oh no, no, no. I’m too young for that. Are you a candle?”
Past’s head flickered as he considered how to respond.
“I suppose I am,” he said at last.
“A talking Christmas candle!” said Daphne, excitement in her voice. “Did Papa buy you as a present for me?”
“A ghost cannot be bought, child,” Past said, taking offense to such an idea.
“Then why are you here in my bedroom on Christmas Eve?”
Past thought about explaining himself — his purpose. It would be too much for a four year-old to understand.
“I came, young Daphne,” he said, “to tell you that what you did yesterday will determine who you are today, and what you do today will determine who you will be tomorrow.”
Daphne cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean, candle man?”
He flickered in thought. “What I mean, dear girl, is that despite what you go through as you grow, you can always try harder to be better to those around you. Learn to help others, and you will learn to love helping others.”
He began to swirl again, sending dancing shadows around the pink room. Daphne’s eyes widened momentarily as she watched Past’s mesmerizing spinning, then lay gently in her bed and fell back to sleep.
Past’s light escaped the room, and he reappeared within the abandoned cabin in the woods, next to the Ghosts of Christmas Present and Future.
His abrupt appearance caused Present to shout with alarm.
“Oi! What are you doing back so soon?” he demanded. “Why, you haven’t been gone even ten minutes! Did the young widow scare you away?”
Past didn’t immediately respond.
“Go on, man. Speak!”
“I went to the wrong person,” Past whispered. “But seeing an innocent youth in the present… my friends, there is much hope for the future.”
The three ghosts of Christmas communed with each other, two of them speaking words while the third nodded, right up until the clock approached one o’clock.

Past chuckled airily. “Let’s see what we can do with old Ebenezer Scrooge, shall we?”